How to maintain and care for your knife handle

How to — maintain your handle

Over time, our handles made of curly birch might need some extra varnish to last a lifetime. Varnish provides effective protection against dirt and moisture.

If you need to varnish your handle but don't have any oil at home - we sell a varnish / boiled linseed oil that works perfect for impregnation of all Roselli wooden handles. Our varnish ensures a firm grip even when wet, and it also protects against scratches and changes in humidity.

In the video below, you'll see how easy it is to care for your handles, ensuring that, just like your knife blade, it lasts a lifetime. If you want to see more videos like this, check out our YouTube channel, where you'll find more inspiration on how to use and maintain your Roselli. You can also read more in our Care & Repais Guide

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